the courageous creative

Owning who you are is
the bravest (& most
valuable) thing you can
do as a creative artist. 

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I believe your POV is your superpower, which is why I have hella offerings to
support you sharpening it. Instead of getting lost in the noise of "should", I
help you forge your  unique path in the theatre industry. 

If you're a recovering perfectionist like me, you might be stuck in the belief that there's a "right" way to have a career in the theatre. 

Believe me, I've been there. In a world of blanket statements and one-size-fits-all advice for actors, it's easy to feel suffocated by the opinions of others and wonder where your own artistic voice fits into the equation. Somehow, performers received the message that "blank slate = no opinions = good actor." Translation? Just make the "right" choice & you're golden!

The issue is..."right" is subjective, and the infinite guesswork will drive you mad while eroding your creative instincts. In the words of my Gaelic prince, Hozier, "honey, there is no right way."

Here's How TCC Can Help

The Lab

Side Quests

Community-focused group coaching for actors with emphasis on experimentation, strengthening your POV, and creating abundance and longevity in the theatre industry.

Audition with Intention

The streamlined, customizable digital home for your acting career that cultivates a space for mindful metrics, regular reflection, and aligned goal setting.

Join us for a free weekly Zoom, facilitated to honor your creativity, connect the dots, and dive head-first down research rabbit holes. A space to find inspiration in the unexpected -- in community!

...that's why it's my mission to help you reclaim your artistic power.

Corny as it sounds, I believe theatre-makers are uniquely positioned to change hearts & minds -- and we can only do so (+ transform our industry) one empowered actor at a time. Let's get in the lab and experiment to find your creative DNA, shall we?

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The Aligned Actor 2024 Workbook

A freebie Notion workbook chock full of journaling prompts, challenges, & thought exercises to help you get specific about your career goals in 2024 so you can create systems that support you and take action.

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© kat wolff creates, 2024  |  site credit